Digital Nova: Crafting Unique Web Experiences for Modern Businesses and Creative Endeavors.


Empowering Pet Owners with the Ultimate Pet Companion
Digital Nova / PetsOnTapp


Digital Nova was tasked with designing and building a comprehensive website and mobile application for PetsOnTapp, a platform that provides pet owners with a wealth of information on pet health, care, and services. The project included the creation of a WordPress website and iOS and Android mobile applications.

The website was designed to include three key features: Pet Educate, Pet Connect, and an online store for PetsOnTapp merchandise. The client provided a pre-existing prototype for the mobile application, which Digital Nova was to enhance but not change the original design.

The Results

Digital Nova started by working on the pre-existing mobile application wireframe and modifying it after testing. For the website, the team conducted research on service design, mapping out user journeys and behaviours to align the design with the client’s vision. Four options for the home page were created, along with a mood board to fully understand the client’s preferences.

The website was designed to be simple and elegant to maximize user experience and ensure that information was easily comprehended. The mobile application was also updated regularly with the client to meet their needs and requirements. The final product was well received by the client and the pet-loving community, providing a valuable resource for pet owners in Hong Kong.

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Pet Health


E-Commerce, UI/UX, Web Design, WordPress